Como pronunciar ED

1. “ed”= id – sempre que o verbo terminar por ted ou ded , no passado, pronuncie o ed:

to end – ended (terminou)
to paint – painted (pintou)
to start – started (começou)
to rest – rested (descansou)
to want – wanted (desejou)
to wait – waited (esperou)
to add – added (acrescentou)
to last – lasted (durou)
to invent – invented
to decide – decided (decidiu)
to pretend – pretended (fingiu)

2. “ed”= t - o ed é pronunciado t se vier depois de um som surdo como os sons k – p – s – sh – ch – f – th :

to talk – talked (falou)
to kiss – kissed (beijou)
to ask – asked (perguntou)
to miss – missed (faltou)
to look – looked (olhou)
to dance – danced (faltou)
to like – liked (gostou)
to march – marched (marchou)
to stop – stopped (parou)
to watch – watched (assistiu)

3. “ed”= d – o ed é pronunciado d depois de sons sonoros como os sons dos vogais,b, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, z, th:
to play - played
to clean – cleaned (limpou)
to fill – filled (encheu)
to explain – explained (explicou)
to call – called (chamou)
to answer–answered (respondeu)
to cry – cried (chorou)
to change – changed (trocou)
to show – showed (mostrou)
to live – lived